Measuring for Individualized Shirts
If you're new to our Epaulet by Individualized shirting program, then we can help you to find your ideal sizing with five basic measurements. You'll need a shirt that fits you pretty well as is. Lay it flat on a table and measure these five dimensions:
CHEST: Runs from one armpit seam to the other
YOKE: Measured from the rear, from one end of the back yoke seam to the other
SLEEVE: Measured from the shoulder seam to the edge of the cuff. Many shirts shrink slightly in sleeve length after washing, so if your initial shirt has been worn and washed, we'll most likely add 0.25" to this measurement.
COLLAR: Measured from where the button is sewn to the center of the button hole
BODY: Measured from the "High Point Shoulder" (intersection of undercollar and front yoke) all the way to the bottom of the front tail.