KH Two Tweed Sportcoats
Sportcoat 1
Fabric: Navy Harris Tweed Herringbone
Sportcoat Model Name: SUTTON WITH FULL LINER
Size: 42
Body Length: LONG
Sleeve Length: 18” Inseam
Buttons: MOP 07 Grey
Pocket Styling: Welt breast, Hip Inset Flap with Ticket
Liner Fabric: S1222 Silver Blue
Sleeve Finish: Functional Surgeons Cuff
Sportcoat 2
Fabric: Navy Hardy Minnis Alsport Donegal #258150
Sportcoat Model Name: SUTTON WITH FULL LINER
Size: 42
Body Length: LONG
Sleeve Length: 18” Inseam
Buttons: MOP 07 Grey
Pocket Styling: Welt breast, Hip Inset Flap with Ticket
Liner Fabric: A870 Slate Blue Twill
Sleeve Finish: Functional Surgeons Cuff